Gebo, Rune of Partnership

Runes are an ancient oracle available to anyone ever seeking counsel on a specific situation, and should be part of everyone’s Spiritual Toolbox.

Runes don’t answer “yes” or “no” questions; they quite accurately mirror your own subconscious, somehow always reflecting what you already know; inevitably pointing your attention to hidden fears and motivations. Once seen and recognized, these factors are incredibly useful in making choices from a clear place of awareness that ultimately supports much positive outcomes.

I am a firm believer that all answers can be found somewhere in nature, and Runes are actually an amazing tool the Earth provides. Every time I walk outside I am amazed: Rune symbols are everywhere, regenerating daily, like trees, soil, mountains, water and air. Their individual shapes are offered up as soothing reminders that something far greater than us is at play, working on our behalf, each moment in time.


Take the time to indulge in one of nature’s quiet moments, and glance around. Actively seek out Rune symbols. Whether it is two branches crossing one another with the sun as a backdrop, a twig on the earth, or a pattern in the soil, you may just discover a powerful insight about something that completely opens your heart. What could be better?
