I’ve lost count of the number of challenging times in my life that I was soothed by the #3 necessary Tool in Every Spiritual Toolbox. It lowers stress, increases well-being, improves performance, and yes, has been scientifically proven to ease pain.

“Sunflowers,” Vincent Van Gogh
The #3 Tool is also free, available all the time, and takes no effort to reap the benefits. It’s Nature, in any shape or form, and whether you take a walk, go to the beach or simply gaze at a flower, Nature brings almost instant relief to just about any situation.
When it comes to the nurturing power of Nature, there is really nothing that compares. It’s why we are drawn to the beach, love a great hike, or why even gazing out a window and seeing trees has been proven to help hospital patients get well sooner. Nature connects us – not just to ourselves, but to all things Higher. In my belief system, Nature nurtures us as humans because we are as one; interchangeable with all growing things. The shapes, the forms, patterns and movements resonate with us on a very deep soul level. Tree branches extend like arms, sunflowers have personality and bark is just like skin. For me, there is a reason that the veins in our body looks just like the roots of a tree – the Universe made it exactly this way so we would have an abiding way to connect and heal.
I’ve devoted my entire artistic life to portraying this relationship. I could go on and on, and you could keep reading, but I’d rather you went outside.
Here’s the point: you don’t need to wait for challenge to hit to seek relief in Nature. Integrate Nature into your daily life in any way, shape or form, and bad stuff just isn’t as bad. Stop what you are doing, take a ten-minute walk, clear your head, and breathe deeply. Let go of the world, and “listen” to the silence. This small act of Self-Love connects you to the Universe, offering ongoing protection – and, solace from pain.

Veins of the human heart and tree roots
Additional Reading:
This Is Your Brain on Nature
How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain
How Does Nature Impact Our Wellbeing
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