Featured Art
Secret II: Letting Go
Mixed media with oil and watercolor on paper, 17.5 x 11 inches
This topic is a wonderful continuation of last month’s post, “Breaking Through Personal Barriers,” as feeling unappreciated can reap amazing breakthroughs. I especially appreciate my own feelings of being unappreciated, as they feed new art – and, in this case, inspired this post.
Here’s the key: you can’t be unappreciated by others unless, on some level, you are not appreciating yourself.
Whether we haven’t given ourselves credit or haven’t been clear with expectations, at one time or another we all cast a shadow on our own worth. By sending that message out into the world, it is sure to be the one that comes back.
True and abiding appreciation begins with Self-Love. It continues with the wisdom to accept that, whatever the situation, we’ve had some hand in creating it. While this is not always easy to see, it is extremely empowering, as it means we can change it up and create the exact opposite effect. Here are a few tips to get you started with this powerful addition to your Spiritual Toolbox:
- Notice: What scenarios bring up feelings of not being appreciated? Are they occasional, ongoing or specific to certain individuals or situations?
- Inquire Within: Life can be crazy, and everyone has a ton of things going on; many that we can’t even imagine. Are you positive you aren’t being appreciated? What are you really seeking?
- Model Appreciation: Dive into an appreciation practice in all areas of your life – even the challenging ones, as they can bring the greatest growth.
- Let Go: It’s true: experiencing ongoing appreciation means letting go of people and situations that do not serve your well-being.
- Appreciate Yourself – creatively. All practices are more effective when you approach them creatively, by personalizing them to you. Apply the Creative Awakenings tenets of combining creativity, mindfulness and nature to super-charge your experience by walking outside and breathing in fresh air while you deeply and consciously appreciate anything about yourself. Bask, savor and soak in your feelings, noticing how wonderful self-appreciation feels in your body. Journal your experience, sing your praises in the shower; do whatever works for you to build your practice, again and again. Let your newly awakened outer and inner appreciation inform your forward path. Be gentle with yourself during this ongoing, lifelong process. Set boundaries and make choices based on what makes you feel acknowledged, appreciated, loved, and good about you, first and foremost. Most importantly, believe in your own worth. When you send this message to the outer world, you are sure to receive it back – continually.
With deep appreciation,
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