January 3, 2015: As the morning light streamed in the studio window onto the finished sculpture, we both lost our breath. Not because we created it, but because we knew we really didn’t.

“In Waiting” Malaleuca Bark, Wood, Bronze, Metal and Fiberglass 16’ x 7’ x 18”
The energy in the room was astonishing – vibrant, dreamy and dynamic, all at once. The earthen colored bark Wings looked as if they had literally descended from the sky and landed in our sculpture, as if the Angel to whom they belonged let them fall gently into the art for safekeeping. There they would remain for his or her return, “In Waiting.”
The entire creation of “In Waiting” had been magical – from conception in San Diego to birth on DreamStreet. The months of material gathering and conceptual gestation culminated on Christmas Day, when we lay down the first coat of fiberglass on the metal armature and headed into the woods for the perfect “environment” we knew the
Angel was seeking. We worked tirelessly, day and night, on a mission to express the vision that wouldn’t leave our heads and hearts. On the morning of January 3rd, we knew our work was complete.

Detail, “In Waiting”
It’s true; Bobby and I have the vivid imaginations of artists – but it is an undeniable fact that each wing created on DreamStreet has it’s own energy and individuality. Whether Bobby makes them, I make them or we make them together, they are conceived and created with Love – not just ours, but the Universal Love that flows through every living thing.
The channeling of Universal Love is accessible to everyone, and can transform each moment of life. It begins with trust and gratitude – not just when things are wonderful. As painful as life can be, when we have faith that our challenges are gifts, we are fully awake and open to experiencing abiding Love and Joy. We are present and content much more of the time. We live and love more deeply and authentically, allowing our Soul’s Voice to guide our actions.
If the only blessing we can muster up in a given situation is learning or growing, that in itself is a gift. If we can take it a step further and channel our pain through creativity, miracles can occur. After all, why else are we here, but to continually grow and regenerate, like everything else in Nature?
Opening to the gifts in every situation creates a world of infinite possibilities – even the discovery of Angels in Waiting.
Elizabeth, you continue to amaze and inspire me, as always! Love you. Gigi