November 2014: Living on different coasts has its challenges – but one amazing gift that’s come out of it is that Bobby uses every spare minute to chisel, weld or build spectacular Angel Wings out of Fossilized Bluestone, bronze or whatever else he comes up with at DreamStreet in New York.

Bobby sculpting on the Earth
Meanwhile, back on the West Coast, I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about making Angel Wings out of tree bark. I’ve always been fascinated with bark; to me, bark is a metaphor for the beautiful and varied colors and textures of skin that cover all the races of people living on this planet.
Bobby landed in San Diego on a Thursday. Friday morning we were taking a beautiful walk, and there in front of us were the most magnificent group of Malalecua Trees, peeling bark and all. It was as if the trees were beckoning, waiting to transform in front of our eyes.
As we looked up, we had the strangest sensation that Angels had been part of each tree, leaving feathery bark behind as a reminder of their existence. Now, they were waiting to be recognized again – and so we went to work. The bark was the most beautiful burst of colors – sandstone, burnt sienna, umber and white playing off the sun as it filtered through the trees, lighting and guiding our composition. We worked together intuitively, barely speaking, rhythmically placing the feathery bark down on the soft earth below. Less than 30 minutes later, “Anahita,” the Angel that keeps nature fruitful, had newly born wings.
We were blown away, and left with the feeling that we had just experienced something truly profound. And that, the creation of Angel Wings to be left on the Earth opened an entire new world of possibilities – a true integration of Heaven and Earth.
We decided to disassemble the wings, pack them up and send them to DreamStreet. There, we’d figure out how to make them permanent.
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