Infinite discoveries like the sewing machine, the periodic table of elements, the law of relativity, and even Google came through the ancient practice of “Dream Incubation.” This profound process has been around for millenia – because it works. Simply put, we set a strong intention for what we’d like to know or receive, engage in some kind of personal ritual, meditate on our wish, offer thanks in advance, and welcome the ZZZ’s.
While I am fortunate to have always sold my art through traditional channels, the social media art sales world is a whole different animal. Last summer, I was thrilled to sell my first painting on Instagram. It was this mandala that was a direct expression of a powerful dream. Because painting mandalas is a wonderful spiritual practice for me, I decided to dream incubate. That night, I printed an image of the sold work, and lit a candle. I meditated deeply on the image, and asked this question: “Great Dream Mystery,” should I continue painting mandalas as a path to selling my art? Thank you so much in advance.”
“The Pancake Dream” arrived early the very next morning. In the dream, I was making pancakes for a large group of family and friends. Everyone was voraciously eating them, faster than I could make them. I was using a mix to get them done more quickly, and my middle son was eating more than anyone else.
Interpretation: Pancakes are clearly round, and the fact that I couldn’t make them quickly enough is an obvious and resounding “yes,” to my dream incubation question. Making them from a mix told me to formulate an art process that allows me to create them more easily. Because mandalas are known to be healing, the fact that my middle son needs more pancakes than everyone else reminded me that he needed a little more “mom time.”

Dream: Annica, mixed media on canvas, 63 x 54 inches Private Collection
I set out on my pancake/mandala making journey and opened to whatever might come.
Dream Incubation Results: Since “The Pancake Dream,” I have sold two more mandalas…one original and one as a commissioned, smaller-sized hand-embellished print.
As I continue painting pancakes:), I offer thanks to the Great Mystery that has shared this transformational process since the beginning of time.
Interested in the age-old practice of querying your dreams for creative solutions or challenges? I invite you to explore with me, privately or in group.
View latest walls sculptures on Instagram or inquire here.
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