Welcome to my very first DreamDrops installment, where I share one of my dreams with context, symbols, metaphors, insight and dream guidance. This sneak peek into my psyche is a great example of how a simple dream snippet can offer so much. Enjoy!
Dream: I am playing professional baseball and am up to bat. Jamie Fraser, the fictitional, gorgeous star of the hit show “Outlander,” has his big arms wrapped around me and is helping me properly prepare and hold the bat. We are in a batting stance, and his hands are very specifically on top of my hands.
Context: The night before this dream, I was watching Outlander. The love between the two main characters, Jamie and Claire, really moved me…like millions of other viewers, I felt it. I sighed, thinking… “Ok, this IS a TV show, but it’s really beautiful!”
Feeling of the dream: Safe, prepared and deeply loved
Metaphors: the unconscious loves metaphors, and in this case, “up to bat” rang true for me. Having recently completed graduate school, I had been feeling that I was being initiated into a whole new phase of my life; that everything I had worked towards and was most passionate about sharing with the world was finally “here.” I was up to bat, ready to “play ball.” Naturally, I also had anticipatory jitters…. what would it all look like? How would I maintain balance? Would I succeed?

Photo courtesy of Starz
Images/Symbols: Symbols are personal, collective and layered. On one hand, Jamie embodies the “archetypal hero”…. he prevails against all odds and is the epitome of strength, courage, and goodness. As a couple, Jamie and his wife Claire symbolize archetypal love…the rare love of fairytales, myths and legends.
My husband and I are very much in love; he also happens to also have big arms and has metaphorically “held” me so beautifully as I have literally and figuratively pursued my dreams. Moreover, in the Jungian world, we ascribe to the idea that everyone in the dream is also an aspect of ourselves. So, my inner Jamie Fraser is reminding me of the odds I have already overcome, that I am strong, courageous and a good human. He also reminds me that learning to love myself has prepared me for this moment.
Dream Guidance: No need for jitters. I have overcome odds way bigger than this, I believe in myself and my ability to “hold my own.” I am passionate about the work I share, and also feel as though I have been preparing for this moment for my entire life. In other words, I am ready to “hit a home run.”
Thank you so much for reading….I hope that my dreams inspire you to follow yours 🙌🏼!
Dream on,
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