Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them
Even if you have zero propensity for metaphor in waking life, your unconscious mind is an expert that loves serving them up through your dreams. In other words, your dream about the Rolling Stones may be well pointing to waking life areas in which you are “growing no moss,” or, rushing through something. While it may take a while to grasp this notion, you will be amazed at how much it can reveal.
Here’s how to start:
- Stay in your dream: the moment you wake up from a dream is the best time to capture the content. Resist the urge to jump out of bed and check email or texts. Keep your eyes closed, and recall any details. Who was there? Do any images stand out? Any phrases or words?
- Hooked on a feeling: What were the feelings of the dream? Were you terrified, impatient or feeling loved?
- Capture the content, including numeric: using voice dictation on your phone or a simple pencil and pad, write down any Whether vivid or faint, scary or sensible, everything counts. If you noticed you were late, early or going somewhere, can you remember the exact time? Number of people there? What you were wearing? Did any colors stand out? Any names?
- Associate: does anything at all in the dream, including the numbers, words or phrases remind you of anything at all in your waking life?
- Name your dream: Without thinking, what would you name this dream?
In opening to metaphor, the “path to the right” you just took in your dream may indicate that you are “on the right path” in life.
Yours in the gift of life and depth,

Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs is a nationally known artist, creativity facilitator and bestselling author, currently pursuing a master’s degree in art therapy. Through her own recipe of art-making, mindfulness and nature, she supports individuals in awakening their inborn creativity. Her combination of practices opens a path inward to inner wisdom and insight that helps transform challenge to change. The result is a greater sense of presence, connection and empowerment, as well as the abiding joy that is the core of the creative process.
Elizabeth is also the author of bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings and Soul Models: Transformative Stories of Courage and Compassion.
Elizabeth’s passion to share the benefits of creativity, mindfulness and nature inspired her to pioneer Creative Awakenings: Where Spirit Meets Science, a series of innovative, transformational seminars. She has shared Creative Awakenings for nearly two decades, privately and at exclusive venues like Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA, The Golden Door Spa in San Marcos, CA, the Ojai Valley Spa and Resort as well as with numerous corporations.
To support wellness during challenging times, Elizabeth now offers Awakenings Circles. These online, mindfulness-based creativity programs and practices help guests dig deeply on their journey in connecting with what matters most.
Elizabeth is a renowned sculptor and artist with works in numerous private and corporate collections, including Dell Children’s Hospital and Healthline Media.
Along with her husband, artist Bobby Jacobs, she is also the co-founder of The Spread Your Wings Project, a non-profit devoted to sharing the benefits of community art-making in response to the challenges faced by our nation today. The couple builds massive pairs of angel wings in community with vulnerable populations for fundraising purposes. For more information, visit
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