1. Self-figure and Tree Angel

    and Tree Angel

    Find a quiet, private place to set up your clay and connect with your breath: Eyes open or closed, notice your inhales and exhales.  Maybe it’s your chest rising and falling, the feeling of the air in and out of your nose or mouth…whatever is easiest for you to notice; stay with this simple breathing practice for about 5 minutes.

  2. Open your eyes, and begin to sculpt something that reminds you of you: nothing fancy, no detail required: it is more important that the object you make feels like you than looks like you.
  3. Make anything else that feels important:  a tree, another object; something spiritual; whatever you are moved to make.
  4. Bake your sculptures according to the directions on the box.
  5. Imagine you are a child playing with dolls, and begin to dialogue with them: ask your Self-Figure questions and let the answers drop into your head, without judgement. This  answers that come are only for you.
  6. Journal the answers and journal more questions.
  7. Repeat often.

Active imagination can be an extremely powerful, lifelong practice.  It can provide deep insight into challenges from your past and present – it can also support you in creating a happier future.

Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs
