1. Nike by Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs

    “Nike” by Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs

    Set up your materials.  Close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths, quieting the mind

  2. Set an intention for you unconscious to serve up some symbols
  3. Flip through your magazines, scanning the images
  4. Let go of thoughts and allow an image to “call” you
  5. Cut out the image; glue to the card.
  6. Embellish the card in any other way
  7. Reflect:  what does the image mean to you personally?  What qualities does it have?  How do you relate to it?  This might be different for you than the literal interpretation.  Example:  For me, this image of “Winged Victory,” aka “Nike,” represents strength and triumph.  For you, Nike may mean sneakers :).
  8. Write your personal meaning of the symbol on the front or back of your collage card.
  9. Place your collage cards where you will see them often, and allow them to guide you in living a Soul-Directed life.


Elizabeth Bryan-Jacobs